

CSS Secrets

리얼타임 eBook



리얼타임 eBook
좋아요: 14
  • 저자 :
  • 출간일 : 2015-06-04
  • 페이지 : 392쪽
  • ISBN : 9781449372637
  • 물류코드 :72637

합계 : 34,560

리얼타임 eBook은 PDF 형식으로 제공되며, 다운로드한 eBook은 PDF 포맷을 지원하는 디바이스 또는 프로그램에서 제한없이 열람할 수 있습니다. 또한 eBook 내의 텍스트 검색 및 인쇄도 가능합니다.

  • In this practical guide, CSS expert Lea Verou provides 47 undocumented techniques and tips to help intermediate-to advanced CSS developers devise elegant solutions to a wide range of everyday web design problems.Rather than focus on design, CSS Secrets shows you how to solve problems with code. You'll learn how to apply Lea's analytical approach to practically every CSS problem you face to attain DRY, maintainable, flexible, lightweight, and standards-compliant results.Inspired by her popular talks at over 60 international web development conferences, Lea Verou provides a wealth of information for topics including:Background and BordersShapesVisual EffectsTypographyUser ExperienceStructure and LayoutTransitions and Animations

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